My Services
What I offer
A system for looking at the human personality in order to help identify and work with our blind spots. Following this map we can begin to see our inner landscape and uncover our motivations; our behaviours come from often hidden places of hurt or defense which can be hard to explain until we see the reasons.
workshops: one day or half day teaching on the enneagram
personal typing assessments and coaching
contact me for more information
Food is delightful and important to life. And food can bring up worry and anxiety and even pain. I’d like to help you find peace and hope within the confusion.
meal planning and recipes
special diets
Contact me for more information
my story: in 2017 a growing desire to try yoga led me first to a friend’s class, and then to another teacher who became a friend. Here I learned that the physical discipline of yoga suited me perfectly with its stretches and physical strengthening. This, along with the focus I had on inner work, began to restore my health from the years of burning out.
I have since worked to make yoga a regular part of my life. I use it to maintain physical strength and flexibility, and am interested in ways to adapt it to suit where a person is right now.
If you live locally I offer classes - contact me for details.
tying it all together
Opening a safe space for the stuff of life to be faced; for hope to develop.
We are complex as humans, and yet simple. We desire to be seen and heard and accepted and loved. We are bodies with emotions and spirits, none of which can be separated from the other.
My hope is to help you draw together the disparate, fragmented parts of yourself and see you grow in wholeness.